
re-usable anchor charts

This poster/anchor chart has been laminated to be reused. During a lesson: In the 1st blank circle I'll add a shaded area that is NOT correctly divided to stress the point that fractions show "equal" parts of a whole. In the area that shows a set, students will write in the fractions to show the number of blue, green, red & yellow crayons. I added a ruler at the bottom to relate fractions to measurement.

The questions written in red are permanent. The words in blue underneath each question were generated by the students AFTER the poster was laminated. The answers can be erased so the poster can be reused.
Victor Verb stands like a super hero in his cape. My students generated the list of action verbs all around the outer edges AFTER the poster was laminated. The verbs can be erased so the poster can be reused.

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